Jonah Hercules Fite, 43, of Pittsburgh passed away peacefully at his home on April 30, 2021. Jonah was born on January 12, 1978 in Mexico City, Mexico. He was the son of James Mitchell Fite and Lucinda Brewer Fite McHolme. His young life was spent living and attending schools in State College, Elizabeth and later Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania. After one year at State High, Jonah spent his sophomore year of high school studying abroad in Oaxaca, Mexico before returning to the U.S. and graduating from Elizabeth Forward High School in Elizabeth Township, PA in 1996. An honors student and men’s varsity soccer athlete, Jonah went on to attend Carnegie Mellon University where he majored in International Business and Spanish. Jonah was a proud Brother of Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity at CMU, as well. After being diagnosed with mental illness in 1998, Jonah was in a constant battle for his mental health and well-being. In the years that followed, Jonah selflessly donated his time helping others who suffered from similar afflictions. His struggles with mental health eventually led to physical health complications which he fought bravely and to which he ultimately succumbed. Jonah will be remembered by those who knew him as larger than life. He was a passionate skier and was fortunate to ski mountains all over the US. His love of skiing was only surpassed by his love of fishing. He spent many happy summers with his family in Minnesota and Canada golfing with his grandparents and fish, fish, fishing. He was a brilliant and unique individual who pushed life to its limits every day. He didn’t have an easy road to walk but walked it with determination and a bright light that pulled people to him. Jonah believed in a set of ideals that made him a champion of humanity and a true hero to all who knew him. Jonah is survived by his mother and stepfather Lucinda and Norman McHolme, his father and stepmother James Fite and Rosemary Alvarez; three sisters, Morgan, Nancy, and Molly; two brothers Coby and Caird; his paternal grandmother, Shirley Bartnett; aunts, uncles, cousins and a multitude of friends that adored him. Que descanses en poder, Jonah. ¡Eras un espititu bien reconocido! Friends are welcome, Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 5-8 pm at the Gilbert Funeral Home and Crematory, Inc., 6028 Smithfield Street, Boston, Elizabeth Township. (412) 751-5000 Drew J. Gilbert, director. In lieu of flowers those who wish to honor Jonah may donate in his memory to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation at Condolences may be made at